Museum Store Sunday Fund

Community support makes Museum Store Sunday possible. Designed to communicate to the world and general public the value and importance of nonprofit retail with its curated products and unique experiences, Museum Store Sunday puts the spotlight on museum stores through a dedicated day—the Sunday following Thanksgiving. In 2023 more than 2,100 museum stores participated, representing all fifty states and the District of Columbia, twenty five countries, and five continents.
We need your financial support to further the continued success and growth of Museum Store Sunday. In 2023, it cost $100 for each institution to participate in Museum Store Sunday – a cost absorbed by the Museum Store Association (MSA) and partially offset by sponsors’ donations. Help us fund this groundbreaking initiative so we can continue shining a global spotlight on our museum stores and cultural institutions for future years.
Your tax-free gift to the Museum Store Sunday Fund will go a long way to support MSA’s Museum Store Sunday. The Museum Store Association is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization and your contribution is tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law. No goods or services are provided in exchange for your generous financial donation.
The link below allows for donations by credit card. To donate by check or wire transfer, please download the MSA Donation Form to complete and return to MSA.
Are you a museum store interested in participating? Join over 2,100 museums worldwide celebrating Museum Store Sunday. Registration takes just a few minutes.